Conference "How Many Copies Should Libraries Preserve?" 11 to 12 November 2016

Historical Building of Göttingen State and University Library (Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen)

Friday, 11 November 2016

15:00 Dr. Wolfram Horstmann (SUB Göttingen): Welcoming

15:15 Corinna Roeder (LBO, Oldenburg, DE): Rechtslage und Praxis der Aussonderung in deutschen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken

16:00 Ulrich Niederer (ZHB, Luzern, CH): Two Sides of a Coin: The Cooperative Storage Library Switzerland and the Cooperative Archiving of Printed Journals Project

16:45 Marg van der Burgh (KB, Den Haag, NL): Past – Present – Future: Metamorfoze, The Netherlands' National Program for the Preservation of Paper Heritage

17:45 Guided tours through the exhibition "Conn3ct – 2 media, 1 story" (Paulinerkirche)

20:00 Conference Dinner (Restaurant)

Saturday, 12 November 2016

9:00 Bernard F. Reilly (CRL, Chicago, IL, USA): Preserving Americas Print Resources: The Importance of a "Known Universe"

9:45 Constance Malpas (OCLC Research, Dublin, OH, USA): Understanding the Collective Collection – past, present and future uses of WorldCat

10:30 John MacColl (RLUK, St. Andrews, UK): Towards a Shared Print Collection in UK Research Libraries

11:15 Pierre Gamache (BAC/LAC, Gatineau, QC, CA): Last Copies Initiative – Permanent Conservation of Print Collections in Canada

12:00 Barbara Schneider-Kempf (SBB, Berlin, DE): Auf dem Weg zur bundesweiten Erhaltung des schriftlichen Kulturguts: Die ersten Schritte

13:00 Break

14:30 Podium Discussion "How many Copies Should Libraries Preserve?" as part of the National day of Collection Care

Information regarding your participation


The registration fee for the conference "How many Copies Should Libraries Preserve?" taking place in Göttingen is 150 Euro. To participate in the conference dinner on 11 November 2016 at 18:00 you will be charged additional 60 Euro. (Registration for the conference dinner is open until 1 November 2016)

To register for the conference please contact and answer the following questions:

  1. Will you participate in the conference dinner?
  2. Do you want to use the bus transfer from Bonn to Göttingen (DBV-Section IV)?
  3. Please tell us your billing address.


Rooms on conference discount

We are happy to announce that we have arranged a conference discount at the Park Inn Radisson Göttingen. To be eligible for the discount you need to reserve a room before 30 September 2016 because there is another big event in Göttingen at the same time. Please contact the hotel by yourselves. With the reference "Konferenz und Tagung SUB Göttingen, 11./12.11.2016" you will get the discount. We highly recommend ordering a room before 30 September 2016 that date!

Park Inn by Radisson Göttingen – distance 2,3 km (Busses available)

Kasseler Landstrasse 25 c, 37081 Göttingen
+49 551 270707-520 (Tel.)
+49 551 270707-555 (Fax)

Alternative Hotels without discount:

B&B Hotel Göttingen-City – distance 1,5 km
Maschmühlenweg 21
37073 Göttingen‘
+49 551  309800 (Tel.)
+49 551 30980444 (Fax)

Hotel Astoria GmbH – distance 2,7 km (Busses available)
Hannoversche Str. 51-53, 37075 Göttingen
+49 551 30 50 0 (Tel.)
+49 551 30 50 100 (Fax)

Hotel Stadt Hannover – distance 600 m (Busses available)
Goethe-Allee 21
37073 Göttingen
+49 551 547960 (Tel.)

Printable version of the invitation (PDF 186 KB) (in German).

Speakers' list and abstracts

Corinna Roeder (LBO, Oldenburg, DE)

Rechtslage und Praxis der Aussonderung in deutschen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken (Practice and Regulations of Withdrawal in German Academic Libraries)

Der Vortrag gibt einen Überblick über die aktuelle Rechtslage zur Aussonderung von Bibliotheksgut in der Bundesrepublik und beleuchtet anhand statistischer Daten Ausmaß und Schwerpunkte der derzeitigen Aussonderungspraxis in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen gibt es in den Bundesländern keine rechtsverbindliche Koordination bei der Aussonderung und keine ausgewiesenen Archiv‐ bzw. Speicherbibliotheken. Anderseits werden Printbestände in großem Umfang insbesondere in Hochschul‐ und Universitätsbibliotheken ausgesondert. Die Aussonderungsquote liegt aktuell bei rund 50%. Der Vortrag will nicht die Notwendigkeit von Aussonderungen in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken infrage stellen, aber dafür sensibilisieren, dass dringender Handlungsbe darf für eine verbindliche Koordination, für einheitlichere Richtlinien und für eine länderübergreifende Strategie zur langfristigen Archivierung einer ausreichenden Anzahl von gedruckten Originalen besteht.

Ulrich Niederer (ZHB Luzern, CH)

Two Sides of a Coin: The Cooperative Storage Library Switzerland and the Cooperative Archiving of Printed Journals Project

The Cooperative Storage Library Switzerland (CSLS) stores lesser used material from 5 libraries in a central building. The participating libraries have ‘deduplicated’ a large part of the journal holdings down to one copy. The conditions the CSLS offers – having to recover its costs from its storing clients – are very interesting rates, but also an excellent preservation framework in an innovative, futureproof building. The Cooperative Print Archiving project (CPA) is a framework designed to share and distribute responsibilities among as many Swiss university libraries as possible for archiving foreign academic and research journals; it is an initiative of the Conference of Swiss University Libraries. While the CSLS started its operations after a long and intensive planning and construction period in February this year, the CPA project was launched already eight years ago. It is being revived right now, as many institutions see the two projects as two sides of the same coins – a combination of central and distributed storage. The presentation will introduce both projects and discuss strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches, as well as the state of discussion about problems and chances of self‐obligation and non‐funded projects.

Marg van der Burgh (KB, Den Haag, NL)

Past – Present – Future: Metamorfoze, The Netherlands' National Program for the Preservation of Paper Heritage

Metamorfoze is the Netherlands’ National Program for the Preservation of Paper Heritage. The program is financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and coordinated by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (the National Library of the Netherlands) in The Hague. The program aims at preservation of the most important archives and collections for Dutch history and culture. Documents are not only physically preserved, but also digitized according to high quality standards. This way the original documents can be preserved best by withdrawing them from access.

The program was founded in 1997, originally intended for collections printed material in Dutch libraries. In 2005 started a specific section for archives. Basically it means that its content must be of national importance and that the documents suffer from intrinsic decay (acidification, ink corrosion) and other damage. For books, newspapers and periodicals (printed documents) the KB takes care of making it camera ready and organizes digitization. In projects for unique archives and collections (written documents) the heritage institutions themselves are project manager. The scans of printed material are stored by the KB, those of archives by the National Archives. At this moment more than 120 million pages are preserved of all kinds of collections and archives in more than 100 heritage institutions, from the so called Prize Papers to archives of abbeys and miners unions.

Bernard F. Reilly (CRL, Chicago, IL, USA)

Preserving Americas Print Resources: The Importance of a “Known Universe”

The presentation will:

  1. Provide a new analysis of the current scope and depth of the existing North American print archiving and sharing programs, identifying persistent challenges such as the unreliability of available data; the limited nature of archiving commitments; and the lack of auditing and “trust metrics”.
  2. Discuss the need for credible, well‐defined and measurable archiving goals, and the economic, political, and practical obstacles to identifying a “known universe” of serials worthy of preservation.
  3. Describe measures taken by CRL and others to define the critical corpus of serials worth preserving, and to establish realistic norms for archiving redundancy, validation, and transparency; and to create a “new narrative” for speaking about print archiving and preservation today.

Constance Malpas (OCLC, Dublin, OH, USA)

Understanding the Collective Collection – past, present and future uses of WorldCat

2016 marks the 45th anniversary of WorldCat, the largest single aggregation of data on global library collections. While the original intent of WorldCat was to improve efficiencies in library resource description through cooperative cataloging, the accumulation of library‐contributed bibliographic descriptions has also produced a unique resource that can be mined for intelligence about how the aggregate library resource is distributed and organized, yielding managerial insights on how local and group collections can be managed more efficiently.

This presentation will examine how aggregated bibliographic and holdings data in the WorldCat union catalogue are used to explore the collective collection of libraries in different geographies, on a variety of scales: consortial, regional and global. We will consider the benefits and tradeoffs of the rapidly expanding scope of WorldCat (which currently comprises nearly 380 million bibliographic descriptions and 2.5 billion library holdings) from an analytical perspective, based on recent OCLC Research projects. Key findings from a decade of OCLC research on collection collections and work in progress will be reviewed, with some consideration of how this research is likely to evolve in coming years as we move from a record‐based data model for bibliographic information to linked data approaches.

John MacColl (RLUK, St. Andrews, UK)

Towards a Shared Print Collection in UK Research Libraries

Research Libraries UK, an association of 37 research libraries including those of the major universities, and the three national libraries of the UK, has worked for many years with OCLC as a record supply partner. Two years ago, this relationship took a step forward with the launch of OCLC’s ‘Shared Print Management Program’ – an initiative designed to help libraries manage shared print collections so that they can collaborate and more efficiently share their collections, ultimately freeing up space in member libraries. RLUK member libraries agreed to update their bibliographic data in WorldCat, in order to provide an accurate dataset for OCLC to use in delineating a ‘collective collection’ for the RLUK group. We have undertaken this work in order to help inform shared collection management decisions across RLUK; to allow us to compare the RLUK collective collection with other research library aggregations; to contribute this effort to other UK‐wide collection management work currently in progress; and as a step towards identifying and preserving the UK ‘long tail’ of scholarly publications. This presentation will describe the work to date, and discuss RLUK’s ambitions for how it will drive national research library collection management in the years ahead.

Pierre Gamache (BAC/LAC, Gatineau, QC, CA)

Last Copies Initiative – Permanent Conservation of Print Collections in Canada

This presentation will outline the background, context, and scope of this initiative currently involving 26 Canadian institutions. It will describe the six principles that are at the core of this conservation effort, as well as the eleven characteristics that will guide the collaboration efforts between the various partners. The role of the partner institutions will be explained, as well as the specific role and support provided by Library and Archives Canada to this initiative. The presentation will also articulate the challenges posed to this initiative, namely the infrastructure necessary to support it, the tools to facilitate it, and the communication means to make it work and make it known. The next steps will be outlined, especially the development of a National Overlap Study. It will conclude with the bigger questions that are likely to remain at play even after implementation: e.g. how many copies should optimally be preserved, how to ensure continued compatibility of metadata.

Barbara Schneider‐Kempf (SBB, Berlin, DE)

Auf dem Weg zur bundesweiten Erhaltung des schriftlichen Kulturguts: Die ersten Schritte

Der Erhalt des schriftlichen Kulturguts in deutschen Archiven und Bibliotheken stellt eine enorme Herausforderung dar – das ist auch den politischen Entscheidungsträgern längst bewusst. Unter dieser Prämisse haben Bund und Länder 2011 die „Koordinierungsstelle für die Erhaltung des schriftlichen Kulturguts (KEK)“ als strategisches Instrument gegründet und mit dem Auftrag ausgestattet, ein Konzept für den deutschlandweiten Originalerhalt zu erarbeiten. So ziehen die 2015 veröffentlichten „Bundesweiten Handlungsempfehlungen“ als Basis eine umfassende Bilanz zu Schädigungen und Gefährdungen des Schrifterbes, das sich in Archiven und Bibliotheken in öffentlicher Trägerschaft befindet und zu bewahren ist. Darauf baut ein sparten‐ und länderübergreifendes Gesamtkonzept, das den spezifischen fachlichen Bedarf der Archive und Bibliotheken harmonisiert und die Aufgabenfelder darlegt, die schrittweise zur Sicherung des schriftlichen Kulturguts gestärkt werden müssen.