Scholarly communication

Bringing knowledge into conversation. In the exchange of thoughts and ideas, knowledge forms and spreads. As a library, we ensure that various forms of communication, be they publications, data collections, or places and objects of knowledge, are available in the long term for the benefit of science and society. With our experience in structuring different forms of knowledge, we support researchers in bringing their results into current discourses and offer different publication platforms and publication services for this purpose, such as the Göttingen University Press, our metadata services, or our analyses of scholarly communication.

Our goal is to ensure that researchers retain sovereignty over their results and findings, regardless of their choice of publication venue, while making them freely available to science and society.

We therefore support researchers in their dealings with publishers and provide advice and training on good information practice in the interests of scientific integrity. We advocate for an evidence-based design of scholarly communication and therefore analyze relevant key figures, in the form of overarching studies, but also in our own business processes, such as acquisitions and open access transformation. We want to contribute to a networked and open publishing system in which the scientific findings produced in Göttingen are optimally visible and meet the requirements of professional science communication. We place a particularly high value on the independent publishing of Göttingen scientists and scholars.

Increase space for scholarly communication

The global dialogues between scientists are becoming more diverse. And it is more important than ever to make science accessible to society. We support networked and open publication and access channels and enable the use of research results. We provide data and analysis for existing and emerging science communication formats so that science and society can strategically shape them.

By 2025, we will merge various science communication offerings into an integrated library offering. Existing and emerging data collections scattered across science will be made accessible, discoverable, and interrelated. Active publication offers for the University of Göttingen in the university publishing house, for editions and for research data will be brought into a common offer. Analyses of the system of science communication support a well-informed development.

Service portfolio

  1. Consulting and competence transfer in the context of publications
  2. Publishing services for open access publications
  3. Platforms for electronic publishing
  4. Audio and video services
  5. Collection, analysis and contextualization of Göttingen publication data
  6. Metadata quality and conversion
  7. Digital scholarly editions


(a) Open up data collections for scholarly communication

  • Implement publication of databases as a service
    2022: Prototype implementation for the humanities and social sciences using FODEX as an example
  • Expand processes for publishing research results
    2022: Release publication processes for journals and editions
  • Further develop information architecture for scholarly communication
    2022: Design study for the information architecture of the Göttingen State and University Library

(b) Expand analytical processes for scholarly communication

  • Circulate studies and analyses
    2022: Complete open access transformation analyses
  • Enrich and publish open data
    2022: Make funding information and United Nations sustainability goals visible

(c) Make scientific discourse more widespread

  • Promote communication formats for scientific results
    2022: Establish dialogue structures on campus
  • Develop curriculum for scholarly communication in line with good scientific practice
    2022: Inventory and conception of a curriculum