
You cannot find any archival records in Arcinsys, although relevant material must be available?
Do you need support in finding the central archive holdings on your topic in Arcinsys?
Do you have source-critical questions about our holdings that cannot be answered from the holdings descriptions in Arcinsys?

You will find many answers on the website ‘Preparation for your visit to the archive (in German)’.

If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us.

Please also note:

Further information can be found on the website ‘Frequently asked questions (in German)’.

Other archives

In addition to the Göttingen University Archive, the following are also relevant for research into Göttingen's university history:

The archive of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony is held in deposit by the SUB Göttingen. Please address requests for use to the Academy's office.