The Albrecht-Thaer-Gesellschaft Historical Library

The Albrecht-Thaer-Gesellschaft historical library is composed of nearly 2,800 works contained within approximately 8,000 volumes; the focus of the collection is generally agricultural literature.

The origin of the collection dates back to its founding in 1764 by the Royal Hannover Agricultural Society in Celle. In 1881 the library was relocated by the society and taken to Hannover, and then again in 1926 to Celle with the establishment of the Thaer-Seminars (secondary agricultural school). After several war-related relocations, the library was kept in the city archive in Celle.

In 2018 the books were transferred to the SUB Göttingen and integrated into the library catalogue. They are viewable in the reading room for Historic Printed Collections in the Historical Building; additionally, a large portion of these titles are available as digital copies.

This site offers three possible methods for searching in the Thaer-Library:

  1. With hierarchical browsing the entire inventory of the Thaer-Library by means of historical topics can be searched through. Selecting the plus symbol for a particular subject group will give a breakdown of the group into smaller subjects; the minus symbol will hide the breakdowns. Clicking the ‘Show results’ link will open a title list from the Göttingen University Catalogue that contains all titles that correspond to the selected category.
  2. The hierarchical search also allows the selection of entire subject groups within the Thaer-Library. The results will be displayed under the keyword search.
  3. Keyword search allows for searching by person, title, print location, publication year, and topic. The results will be shown on this page with the title, author and publication year displayed for each entry. The results can be limited by using the facets. Once a result is selected, a small window will appear that contains further information about the edition of the work. So long as the entry has a link to a digital copy, it will appear in the additional information window under the entry; in case of a multi-volume work or journal, the additional information will have links to all associated publications which all lead to the Göttingen University Catalogue.

Hierarchical Browsing

Hierarchical Search

Keyword Search

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