The fastest route to your text: Using the linkresolver

In many databases you will see our linkresolver button next to search results and references:


If you click on the button, you will be offered a menu with various options in a new window. In particular, you will find a link to the full text if it is available electronically for the University of Göttingen.

The linkresolver menu is context-sensitive. Depending on the research database used, the title requested and our holdings and licences, you will be offered the appropriate options. The menu may contain the following links, among others:

  •     to the full text - if available
  •     to holdings records in the local catalogue and in GöDiscovery
  •     to holdings records in union catalogues with the option to order documents
  •     further information on the requested title

In many databases you will already find links to the link resolver of the SUB, and this service is continuously being extended.

If you have further questions, please read the answers to the following FAQs or write an e-mail to

Frequently asked questions about the SUB's link resolver

What is a link resolver?

A linkresolver provides links from literature references in databases and journals to the corresponding full texts, if available electronically for the University of Göttingen.

If full-text access is not possible, other services are offered to find or order the desired document (e.g. local catalogue or interlibrary loan).

How can I use the link resolver?

The linkresolver is integrated in a number of databases offered by the SUB Göttingen and the scope is continuously being extended.

Once you have found a literature reference during a search, clicking on the linkresolver button will open a window offering you suitable service options.

For which sources or databases is the linkresolver of the SUB activated?

The list of databases in which the link resolver of the SUB is activated is continuously extended.

Why does no link resolver button appear for citations in some databases?

You may be conducting a search in a database that is not yet compatible with link resolvers. There are also databases where the button is only displayed when the individual citations are fully displayed. In some databases you will see the text SUB Göttingen»Links" instead of the button (e.g. at Google Scholar).

What services does the linkresolver menu offer?

The linkresolver menu is dynamically generated and context-sensitive. Depending on the research database used, the title requested and our holdings and licences, you will be offered the appropriate options. The menu may contain the following links, among others:

  •     to the full text - if available
  •     to holdings records in the local catalogue and in GöDiscovery
  •     to holdings records in union catalogues with the option to order documents
  •     further information on the requested title

Why does the number of links in the link resolver menu vary?

The menu is always generated dynamically depending on the request. If possible, links to electronic full texts are displayed. However, if no electronic full text is available, a search in the local OPAC or procurement via interlibrary loan can be initiated.

The data transmitted by the source database (the Open URL) is important for the quality of the linkresolver menu offered. For example, in order to offer you the optimal options for accessing a journal, the ISSN is indispensable; in order to access a specific journal article, additional information is required. If this metadata is only incompletely available when the menu is set up, you will sometimes be presented with a very sparse menu and individual services will not function to your satisfaction.

Why is there not always a link to the full text version?

As a rule, links to electronic documents can be offered only if full text access has been licensed for Göttingen University, or if it is in the public domain.

If the link resolver cannot provide you with a link to the full text for the SUB Göttingen, it will offer you other options through which you may be able to access the desired title. A print edition or a link to the electronic full text may also be available via the local catalogue or GöDiscovery. Another option is the document delivery or interlibrary loan service offered.

Can I use the linkresolver from an off-campus location as well?

Staff and students of the University of Göttingen have the possibility to use linkresolver-enabled databases from outside the university campus.

Further information on access from outside can be found on our website.