
GöDiscovery, the Discovery Service of the Göttingen State and University Library, encompasses an extensive data pool with records of collections from libraries, records of printed and electronic articles from publisher data, and other sources.

The search in GöDiscovery is based on search engine technology with relevance ranking and the best-match method. Search results can be filtered by publication year/period, media type (printed or digital), and format (e. g. book, article, journal). It also allows you to directly access your user account.

For off-campus access to licensed electronic resources, please set up the VPN connection.

The search scope is limited to the local library in the standard search. This includes the holdings of the Göttingen University Catalogue (GUK), records of many articles from locally available printed journals and articles from electronic journals and e-books accessible in full text.

The settings allow you to expand the search scope by browsing the collections of other libraries and a vast number of other articles in addition to the holdings of the local library. Print media that are not available on site can usually be ordered via inter-library loan.

Data pool for the standard local search scope:

Data pool for the expanded search scope (including inter-library loan):