1. Obergeschoss

Im 1. Obergeschoss stehen Ihnen zahlreiche Einzelarbeitsplätze, ein umfangreicher Bestand frei zugänglicher und systematisch aufgestellter Forschungs- und Studienliteratur sowie Geräte zum Drucken, Kopieren und Scannen zur Verfügung.

Gemeinsam mit studIT (IT-Service für Studierende) bieten wir Ihnen in einem Arbeitsplatzbereich PCs an. Diese Rechner ermöglichen Studierenden der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und registrierten Nutzerinnen und Nutzern der SUB Göttingen nach individueller Anmeldung das Arbeiten mit den elektronischen Angeboten der Bibliothek und weiteren Programmen sowie Internetzugang.
Zwei Steh-PCs sind für die schnelle Recherche gedacht, wobei an einem Gerät keine Anmeldung erforderlich ist (PC mit Gastzugang).

Holdings in the Reading Rooms of the Central Library

The reference literature in the Reading Rooms of the Central Library is arranged according to subject groups (Systematic overview, in German (PDF 88 KB)). On the first floor are the philologies (notations ‘H - K’) and the social and economic sciences (notation ‘L’).

Individual workstations

A number of individual workspaces are provided for patrons on the first floor. Almost all study desks are equipped with a power connection and a reading lamp.

Group workspaces

You would like to learn in a group?

We offer specially furnished, noise-reduced workrooms. In addition, two group study rooms have been set up for a maximum of eight people each, which students can book via the online reservation system.

Print, copy and scan

In the fifth finger of the building you will find a separate room with book scanners and multifunctional devices (printing, copying, scanning). You will also find equally equipped rooms at the same location on the ground floor and on the first floor.

If you have any questions about using the devices, please contact staff at the Information and Service Desk on the ground floor.


Would you like to store your own documents overnight?

Göttingen University students can book one of 85 lockers for a few days via eCampus.
Lockers with the numbers ‘SF 001’ to ‘SF 028’ are located on the first floor, lockers ‘SF 029’ to ‘SF 085’ are located on the second floor.

We also provide lockers used with keys for other users of the Central Library. Please contact staff at Service desk on the ground floor.

All users can apply for the lockers on the first floor, provided there are free lockers available.

Lockable Book Trolleys

Would you like to keep very extensive work material for regular use in the Central Library for a longer period of time?

Then we recommend that you ask at the Service Desk on the ground floor for a lockable book trolley. The key can be borrowed for four weeks. You will find these book trolleys in the area of the working cubicles for doctoral students on the first floor.

Carrels for students

On the east side of the first floor, 35 carrels are available for students. The work cabins can be booked via the online reservation system.
One of these cubicles is specially equipped for users with mobility impairments.

Room of Tranquility

One carrel is open to all users as a room of tranquility.

Carrels for PhD Students

In another section on the east side of the first floor, we provide 57 carrels for long-term use by doctoral candidates.
For more information about this offer and reservation options, please refer to Carrels & book trolleys.

Large Seminar Room

The Large Seminar Room on the north side of the first floor can be booked for events.