The Carpentries

Library CarpentryThe SUB Göttingen coordinates a Carpentries community at Göttingen Campus, in which the eResearch Alliance is also active. Since 2018 a group of instructors and further interested persons work together and regularly organize workshops. More information is available in the video ‘The Carpentries’ on YouTube.

Data CarpentryThe Carpentries is a global community that teaches foundational coding and data science skills, with the aim to build up capacity for conducting efficient, open and reproducible research and its applications. Three sections focus on different aspects and communities of these skills, but are all linked to the overall Carpentries goal and mission: Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry and Software Carpentry.

The next workshop ‘ENLIGHT Data Carpentry Ecology’ will take place from 24 to 28 April 2023 from 9:00 to 13:00, please register. Topics of the workshops involve data organization and cleaning, data visualization, basics of programming languages such as Python, R or SQL, and working with regular expressions or with the command line. Most courses are intended for people with little or no previous knowledge, and particularly focus on an inclusive, step-by-step and hands-on approach.

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Want to become a Carpentries instructor, and help us in enabling fellow students or researchers with their data-related research skills? Take a look at the requirements and if you are interested, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Dr Birgit Schmidt (email).