News by topic

SUB Göttingen has received funding from the state of Lower Saxony totaling 800,000 euros for its project “Landesweite Lizenzierung und Open-Access-Transformation von E-Books” (Statewide Licensing and Open Access Transformation of E-Books). The project is one of seven funded collaborative projects of the initiative " Niedersachsen".

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SUB Göttingen is one of the founding members of the independent working group Forum 13+, which - complementary to DEAL - deals with the Open Access transformation of journals of small and medium-sized specialist publishers, for which there is a significant publication volume in Germany (more than 13 publishers).

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Excerpt Ahiqar EditionThe Faculty of Theology of the University of Göttingen and the SUB Göttingen make the Syriac and Arabic manuscripts of the Ahiqar tradition accessible in a new online edition.The tale of the sage Aḥiqar is one of the stories particularly frequently edited and received in the literatures of the ancient Near East and achieved wide dissemination even beyond the Near East.

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digital und sicherWelche Daten werden beim Surfen im Internet über mich gesammelt? Wie kann ich eine größtmögliche Kontrolle über meine Daten behalten, ohne mich handlungsunfähig zu machen? Mit diesem Online-Kurs können Sie abschätzen, welche Daten Sie täglich preisgeben und welche Auswirkungen dies hat. Nach dem Kurs sind Sie in der Lage, gezielte Maßnahmen zum Schutz Ihrer Daten zu ergreifen.

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Since 10 July 2018, at the University of Göttingen - as well as at around 200 other well-known German scientific institutions - access to current full texts from Elsevier and Cell Press journals has been suspended by the publishers. At the University of Göttingen 440 Elsevier journals and another 12 titles belonging to Cell Press are affected.

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Neben den bereits zugänglichen rechtwissenschaftlichen Lehrbüchern des Verlags Franz Vahlen sind ab sofort auch eine Vielzahl der Lehrbücher des Verlags C.H.Beck über die Datenbank beck-eLibrary lizenziert. Dieses Angebot löst die bis zum 30.11.2019 zugängliche beck-eBibliothek ab.

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Open Access LogoSeit dem 1.7.2019 können Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Universität Göttingen und der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen primäre Forschungsartikel und Reviews im Open Access in Subskriptionszeitschriften („Wiley OnlineOpen“) des Verlags Wiley kostenfrei publizieren.

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Erik Mitchell (UCSD Library) und Wolfram Horstmann (SUB Göttingen) vor der „Geisel-Library“ der University of California San DiegoUniversity of California San Diego Library and the Göttingen State and University Library extend their cooperation agreement after a successful first term from 2016 to 2019.

Staff exchange enabled the libraries to share expertise about supporting researchers on campus in data curation, to exploit complementary skills for mutual assessments of digital infrastructure, give trainings in digital humanities and experiment on transatlantic digital preservation.

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Based on the preparatory work of the National Contact Point Open Access OA2020-DE, the Göttingen State and University Library and the Open Access publisher Copernicus Publications have negotiated and concluded a contract. From 1 January 2019, scientists and scholars will be able to publish for two years free of charge in the 43 Gold Open Access journals of the publishing house.

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From now on, you can access the Romance Studies Bibliography Online Database from the University of Göttingen network. The Romance Studies Bibliography is the most comprehensive specialist bibliography in Romance languages and literature. It lists independent literature as well as articles in journals and anthologies on Romance literature and linguistics and is updated annually. Access is via the database information system DBIS.

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