DASISH - Project details (DASISH)

Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities


DASISH (Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities) is a cluster project that brings together all five ESFRI research infrastructure initiatives in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) represented each by some centers:

  • CLARIN - Common Language Resource and Technology Infrastructure
  • DARIAH - Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
  • CESSDA - Council of European Social Science Data Archives
  • ESS - European Social Survey
  • SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

The goal of the project is to determine areas of possible synergies in the infrastructure development and to work on selected joint activities. Synergies will be achieved by preventing duplication of developments, benefiting from the advanced work of the others ESFRI and by establishing integrated domains where this makes sense for the SSH users.

Joint activities will be along the following dimensions: understanding the different architectural solutions, assessing and improving data and metadata quality, setting up a tools and services forum, improving the quality of survey data, locating and improving data preservation and curation services, developing a joint shared data access and enrichment framework (AAI, PDIs, joint Metadata, Workflow implementations, joint annotation framework ), jointly working on legal and ethical aspects and carrying out much training and education work.

Project staff at the SUB Göttingen

Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Claudia Engelhardt, Dr. Heike Neuroth