DigiZeitschriften - Project details (Digitalisierte Zeitschriften)

Extension of a set of retrospective digitized journal material with a national collection emphasis


The feasibility of providing special-subject-relevant retro-digitized German journals was looked into.

This has led to a clear program of core journals of greater scholarly value that is to form the basis of access service for these journals. The program is supported by an initiative group of special-collections libraries. In accord with the copyright holders (publishers and authors), frequently used and respected journals in a number of fields have been made directly accessible in the Web. In this way, DigiZeit aims to become a regular fee-based service of the special-collections libraries.



Project staff at the SUB Göttingen

SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project

Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lossau