Hannah Arendt – Complete Works. Critical Edition - Project details


For the first time, this edition will make all published and unpublished works of Hannah Arendt accessible in the sense of a scholarly sound textual basis. Around 21,000 pages of books, articles, and manuscripts or typescripts are processed for this purpose. In addition to materials from known estate locations (Library of Congress, Washington DC; Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach; Bard College, New York), several thousand pages of previously unknown documents (typescripts, proofreads, notepads, etc.) were identified in international archives and integrated into the text corpus.

As a first, Hannah Arendt – Complete Works. Critical Edition will present Hannah Arendt's texts in full, with commentary and in the variety of languages ​​in which they were written. The edition presents all works published by Hannah Arendt during her lifetime (monographs, collections of essays, articles, interviews, etc.) as well as thousands of pages of unpublished documents from the estate (typescripts, notes, preliminary drafts, and revisions) in the respective original languages ​​of the texts (German, English, French, Yiddish). Hannah Arendt composed most of her writings in more than one language. This – fundamentally plural – dimension of her work becomes accessible for the first time in this edition.

The Complete Works. Critical Edition is designed as a hybrid edition (print and digital): The print edition is published by Wallstein in Göttingen, the digital version is published by Freie Universität Berlin. The book and web portal optimize the potential of the respective medium in a systematic combination.



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