Meta-Lib - Project details

Metadata Initiative of German Libraries: SUB Teilprojekt

As part of the DFG-sponsored project entitled „Metadaten-Projekt deutscher Bibliotheken“ (META-LIB), the Göttingen Stae und University Library (SUB Göttingen) is responsible for „Grundlagen zu einem Regelwerk zur Erschliessigung digitaler Objekte unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der internationalen Diskussion“, which deals with establishing a basis for a key for cataloging digital materials, epecially in light of the international discussion in this area.
The meta-data server that has been set up for this consists of two components. First, there is MetaGuide: the extensive documentation of the German and international discussions on meta-data the subject. Second, there is MetaForm: a registry in which various meta-data formats are explained, analyzed, and compared. The focus here is on the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set.



Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Dr. Thomas Fischer, Dr. Heike Neuroth