TextGrid III – Virtual Research Environment for the Humanities - Project details (TextGrid)


TextGrid is a joint project of ten partners, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the period from June 2012 to May 2015.

Answering an increasing demand for digital and collective research features in the humanities, TextGrid has, since its start in 2006, established the infrastructure for a respective virtual research environment. In continuous exchange with the scientific community, TextGrid has developed a variety of tools and services available for free download in a stable version. Together with the TextGrid Repository, the Virtual Research environment TextGrid offers humanist researcher in the humanities sustainable editing, storing and publishing of their data in a thoroughly tested and safe environment.

Target groups

  • humanities scholars using TextGrid for their research projects
  • developers adapting TextGrid tools and services for specific scholarly needs
  • academic institutions (e.g. archives, libraries) storing data in TextGrid or linking data to own data bases

The vision of a digital ecosystem is based on the open source idea, allowing for free exchange of tools and data, whereby adaptation concerning discipline-specific needs is made possible. Researchers from a wide range of humanistic disciplines such as philology, linguistics, musicology, art history, classical philology and musicology are actively working with TextGrid have joined the TextGrid consortium in the second phase of the project.


Project staff at the SUB Göttingen

SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project

Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Maximilian Behnert-Brodhun, Dr. Mirjam Blümm, Nadja Grupe, Roman Hausner, Maren Köhlmann, Dr. Heike Neuroth, Hannes Riebl, Simon Ruhnke, Sibylle Söring