WissGrid - Project details (Grid für die Wissenschaft - WissGrid)
WissGrid unites the first five academic community grids of D-Grid (AstroGrid-D, C3 Grid, HepGrid, MediGrid und TextGrid).
As a D-Grid project, WissGrid’s objective is to establish long-term organisational and technical D-Grid structures for the academic world.
WissGrid combines the heterogeneous needs from a variety of scientific disciplines and develops concepts for the long-term sustainable use of the organisational and technical grid infrastructure. In this context, the project aims to strengthen the organisational cooperation of scientists in the grid and to lower the entry barriers for new community grids.
Three key tasks have been identified from WissGrid’s objectives:
- Operational model for academic grid users
- Blueprints for new community grids
- Long-term storage for research data
- Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
- Bergische Universität Wuppertal
- Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron
- Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH
- Institut für Deutsche Sprache
- Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Leibnitz-Universität Hannover
- Kompetenzzentrum für elektronische Erschließungs- und Publikationsverfahren in den Geisteswissenschaften / Universität Trier
- Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin
- Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam
- Göttingen State and University Library
- Technische Universität Dortmund
- Technische Universität München
- Universität Stuttgart
- Universitätsklinikum Göttingen/Abteilung Medizinische Informatik
- Zentrum für Astronomie
Project staff at the SUB Göttingen
SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project
Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen
Dr. Andreas Aschenbrenner, Arno Bosse, Dr. Thomas Fischer, Jens Ludwig, Dr. Heike Neuroth, Arash Samadi