Projects on ... Informationskompetenz
- Clio-online
Development of a central Internet portal for history and historiography - DINI
(Deutsche Initiative für NetzwerkInformation e. V.)
- Einrichtung von Service- und Kompetenzzentren fuer die Digitalisierung von Bibliotheksbestaenden in Deutschland (Establishment of centers for service and competence for the digitization of library holdings in Germany)
- Mediaconomy
- Meta-Lib
Metadata Initiative of German Libraries: SUB Teilprojekt - REUSE
Aligning International Cataloguing Standards - vascoda I
- vascoda II
- Wissenschaftsgeschichte des 18./19. Jahrhunderts [history of humanities and science in the 18th and 19th centuries]
Digitizing of the literature in the humanities and sciences of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries held at the Göttingen State and University Library and the presentation of these digitized works as electronic media