Publication Funds for Monographs

Funding of Open Access publishing of books at the University of Göttingen

Time period: 2022-2024

The SUB Göttingen will provide limited funding for scholarly monographs and edited volumes in open access that have been produced in conjunction with DFG-funded initiatives. A maximum of ten titles can be supported each year from 2022 to 2024.

Funding requirements

  • Members from the University of Göttingen and the University Medical Center Göttingen who wish to publish results from a DFG-funded project are eligible for funding.
  • The publication meets the requirements of good scientific practice and has undergone a comprehensible review process appropriate to the respective discipline for quality assurance purposes. The review process must be described both on the part of the publisher and for the publication to be funded. The Quality standards of the AG Universitätsverlage for Open Access monographs apply.
  • The immediate and complete publication takes place under a license that enables the free, legally secure subsequent use of the results worldwide. The selection of a free license, e. g. Creative Commons License (CC-BY or CC-BY-SA), is expected as the standard for the publication of books. The authors grant a non-exclusive right to use their publication as part of the Open Access status.
  • The publication contains a reference to the funding in accordance with the DFG guidelines for use in the following form: ‘Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project Number 491011488 (Open Access Publication Costs / Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)’ or in foreign language publications, e. g. in English: ‘funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - 491011488 (Open Access Publication Costs / Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)’.
  • To ensure that the publications can be found, the books should be given a DOI or URN and should also be linked to the ORCID ID of the authors.
  • The Open Access edition is published before or at the same time as an optional print version.

An overview of quality-checked and proven publishers for OA publishing is provided by the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB). A publisher's membership in the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) also fulfills the quality assurance aspect. In the case of book publications, e. g., through a university publisher, that incur additional costs, a grant can be provided.

Since the fund's resources are limited, multiple applications from an institution or project may be rejected even if they otherwise meet all eligibility requirements.

Funding scope

Monographs and edited volumes can be funded with up to 5,000 euros. Proportionate funding is possible in the case of higher costs. However, funding for anthologies is only provided for the editors and not for individual contributions. The use for conference proceedings is only possible if the publication is not funded otherwise (e. g., through admission fees, membership dues). Administrative fees, printing costs or surcharges for color etc. are excluded from funding.


For application please submit this form to Please use the DFG's form for comparison offers.

A funding commitment refers to the respective calendar year; publication must take place within this period, otherwise a new application will be necessary.

In addition, researchers can continue to apply for funding for book publications via the DFG's publication grant program and also use it for open access. However, the funding obtained through the publication grant for researchers with a doctorate cannot generally be used for DFG-funded publication projects. If applicable, these funds can also be used to co-finance OA publications.

Updated: January 2024