
Open Library Media Studies

The SUB Göttingen supports the Open Library Media Studies of the publisher Transcript

Time period: 2022 - 2024

Transcript Verlag bundles 13 new publications from the Open Library Media Studies program area into an 'e-book package'. In crowdfunding, participating libraries can finance the open access provision for a fee instead of purchasing individual campus licenses, as is usually the case. Once crowdfunding has been successfully completed, the contents of the package are available to the entire scientific community free of charge under a Creative Commons license for free the package model, the costs are greatly reduced for each participant through distribution among all members of the consortium, the 'Open Library Community'. This enables an Open Access transformation of entire subject collections that is economically viable for all participants. The model is also a financial relief for institutions with a strong publication record, which often bear the Open Access fees for the publications of authors belonging to the institution, and it enables authors to publish Open Access in compliance with funding requirements without the need to obtain individual title funding. Publication in the Open Library Media Studies is free of charge for authors. This means that all authors in the specialist community - regardless of their institution's funding pot - have the opportunity to publish their work in Open Access. The conditions of the Open Library Media Studies were determined in cooperation with the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen).

Open Library Political Science

The SUB Göttingen supports the Open Library Political Science of the publisher Transcript.

Time period: 2024

Gold Open Access

By participating in this crowdfunding model, the Open Access provision of works in the field of political science is promoted. The publications receive a CC BY or CC BY-SA license and are available to all interested parties free of charge.

Updated: January 2024