Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) is one of the most cited interdisciplinary journals and publishes articles from all scientific disciplines. The focus is on biology and related fields such as medicine and biotechnology. Under the PNAS Open Access Policy, the publisher automatically deposits the final published version of all its content, regardless of funding, in PubMed Central (PMC) and makes it freely available in both PMC and PNAS within 6 months of publication.

Journal subscription through SUB Göttingen includes the 'PNAS Open Access Option'.

Please note: PNAS is not an open access journal!
Therefore, financial support via the University Open Access Publication Fund cannot be granted.

Time period: 2024

The publication process for authors

You are a 'corresponding author' and submit your article directly to the journal as usual.

  • Choose between 'immediate Open Access' or 'delayed Open Access'.

  • The net price for an article to be published immediately Open Access is $4,995 (compared to the regular fee of $5,800). Included are all fees (including page charges and for articles up to 12 pages in length). The Creative Commons license for this option is a choice of CC BY-NC-ND or CC BY.

  • The price for a delayed open access article after 6 months is a net $2,595, which again includes all fees incurred for publication (for articles up to 12 pages in length). Publication of the article is under a CC BY-NC-ND license.

In addition to being published by the publisher, articles with a CC license will be made available and archived via GRO.publications, the publication management system of the University of Göttingen.

Updated: January 2024