
In addition to the institutional document servers, the Göttingen Campus also offers several subject repositories for the provision of research results, digital resources, digital data and publications. Numerous subject repositories are now offered specifically for subject disciplines. For an overview of OA repositories, use the portal OpenDOAR and for research data the Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data).

Furthermore, the service ‘Digitale Ressourcen’ of the Göttingen State and University Library supports you in accessing digitized objects, which have resulted from collaborations with the Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen and other institutions of the Göttingen Campus and beyond. In many projects, elaborately researched data and metadata are available, which are usually searchable in full text. In order for digital objects and their metadata to become genuine research data, they are available via our portals by means of permanent links and - wherever possible - under free license.

Document server

res doctae (AdW)

res doctae is the Academy's first platform for the digital publication of research results. The name recalls the Academy's first print series, the ‘Göttingische Zeitungen von Gelehrten Sachen,’ which its founding president Albrecht von Haller transferred into its care in 1753 and which it still publishes today under the title ‘Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen’. It is now the world's oldest review organ in the German language. res doctae, as an institutional repository, provides all members of the Academy as well as members of its scientific commissions and projects with the organizational and technical framework for the electronic publication of scientific documents.

The Stacks (AAC)

The Stacks is the open access subject repository for American Studies, English Studies, Anglophone Postcolonial Studies, Australian & New Zealand Studies, British & Irish Studies, and Canadian Studies, including all subdisciplines. Publish first and second publications, gray literature (e. g., conference programs), and complete journal volumes. Publish in The Stacks and make your research results more visible! All uploaded materials will be made available in open access, either immediately or after a period of time that you specify. The Stacks is a service of the Anglo-American Culture FID.


GEO-LEOe-docs is a central disciplinary repository for Geosciences in Germany – a service of the Specialised Information Service for Geosciences – FID GEO. It provides first and second publications of monographs, articles as well as gray literature such as conference papers. Ongoing net publications, published as digital first publications or as a second release to a printed edition, are also part of the repository content. All documents are freely accessible and marked with persistent identifiers (DOI, etc.). A full text search in the documents and metadata is implemented. Furthermore, an interactive overview map provides access to digitised geological maps in the repository as well as to online free accessible maps from other providers.

Research Data Repositories

TextGrid Repository

The TextGrid Repository is a long-term repository for humanities research data. It provides an extensive, searchable, and reusable repository of texts and images with a focus on XML/TEI encoded works of world literature. Aligned with the principles of Open Access and the FAIR principles, the TextGrid Repository 2020 has been trusted with the CoreTrustSeal. For researchers, the TextGrid Repository offers a sustainable, durable, and secure way to publish their research data in a citable form and to describe it in a comprehensible way through required metadata via TextGrid Laboratory or data import (see detailed documentation).

DARIAH-DE Repository

The DARIAH-DE Repository is a digital long-term archive for research data in the humanities and cultural sciences that is openly available to all researchers. The repository enables research data to be stored sustainably and securely, to be tagged with metadata, and to be published with persistent identifiers (DOI assignment). The research data can be imported with the DARIAH-DE Publikator and linked and described with other collections in the Collection Registry. All published data can be found through the Repository Search and also the DARIAH-DE Generic Search. A video tutorial and detailed documentation guide through the publishing process. is a universal research data repository for the Göttingen Campus. It is managed by the Göttingen eResearch Alliance, a joint group of Göttingen State and University Library and GWDG. Researchers with affiliation to an institution of the Göttingen Campus can use it free of charge. is used for long-term archiving (via persistent identifiers) of research data in order to make it publicly and freely accessible and to be able to track changes to data sets across multiple versions.