Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR (SCSTI)

Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI) is the specialised scientific library and a national information centre for research, development, innovation and education. It is a directly managed organisation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

The mission of the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information is to contribute to science and research promotion in Slovakia, particularly through building and operation of complex information systems developed for research and development. The SCSTI is responsible for administration and operation of the Central Information Portal for Research, Development and Innovation, the Central Registry of Evidence of Publication Activity and the Central Register of Theses, including the Antiplagiarism system. The institution acts also as the Technology Transfer Centre with nation-wide operati and the National Centre for Popularisation of Science and Technology in Society. The centre also hosts the Slovak network of NAtional Contact Points for Horizon2020 and is responsible for operation of the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development in Brussels.


Lamačská cesta 8/A, 811 04 Bratislava, SLOWAKEI

