OAPEN - Project details (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)

OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING IN EUROPEAN NETWORKS (OAPEN) is a 30-month target project to develop and implement an Open Access (OA) publication model for peer reviewed academic books in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS).
The project aims to achieve a sustainable European approach to improve the quantity, visibility and usability of high-quality OA content and foster the creation of new content by developing future-oriented publishing solutions, including an Online Library dedicated to HSS.

The main results will be:

  • A sustainable OA-publishing process dedicated to academic works in HSS
  • A publishing platform primarily dedicated to monograph content in HSS, in all its dimensions (text, multimedia, data, reviewing, reader interaction), based on an existing publishing infrastructure
  • Networked Online Library: The largest freely available multilingual collection of current, coherent content in various fields of HSS

OAPEN addresses the needs of SME and not-for-profit publishers and seeks to offer solutions to both publishers and other stakeholders, such as authors, libraries, research funding bodies, and policy makers. OAPEN will aggregate content from other SME publishers in HSS, in order to expand the content of the Online Library and achieve critical mass.

The project, in which European publishers take the initiative to develop an OA model geared towards book publishing, is the first of its kind.



Project staff at the SUB Göttingen

Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lossau